Monday, September 29, 2008

Capitalism: A Failed Policy

"Capitalism doesn't work in today's market place." This was a phrase I heard yesterday as I was standing around the coffee pot before any actual work began. This from the brain of a college student majoring in BUSINESS. I could hardly believe my ears, but yes this is the wisdom being taught at our colleges and universities today. Here is the thought process.

Due to the cold war the media went on a massive propaganda campaign to demonize socialism. It really isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing, in fact it may be the best thing. You just believe it is a bad thing because you have been brainwashed by the media. Capitalism doesn't work. It is only good for the employer, not the employee. As proof of why capitalism doesn't work this person then pointed to the collapse of the current banking system in the United States. "See that is what capitalism gets you. And it just hurts the common people."

Although I am tempted to explain why this kid is ignorant, uninformed and just plain wrong. I'll let this one stand on its own.

Fighting News Depression

There is no doubt that our country is in one of the worst financial positions we have seen since the seventies and possibly the thirties. This is scary for me. I love this country and feel we are walking a tight rope. We are holding on tightly but on every side looms danger. I have been seeing it on the news. Talking about it with coworkers and fellow bloggers. I have been consumed with the idea of stopping this financial bailout. For fear of what it will do to our country. Is it a step towards socialism? Yes. Is it going to forever change our country if passed? Yes. As I have been considering the magnitude of the decision congress is about to make, and feeling that it's passage is all but inevitable, I have begun to feel a bit depressed.

So, to combat that I would like to blog for a moment about why our country is great.

Our country is great because it provides opportunities to every citizen unlike any country in history.
Our country is great because you can pursue any dream you desire for you and your family.
This country is great because of the sacrifice of those who have gone before us.
This country is great because we stand up for what is right regardless of the cost.
This country is great because you can worship your God in any manner of your choosing.
This country is great because you can achieve your dreams regardless of your upbringing.
This country is great because you have the freedom to express conflicting views.
This country is great because we value human life.
This country is great because we were founded on biblical principles.
This country is great because we allow for diversity in people and thought.

This country is great because we have risen to every challenge that comes our way. Though the cost may be great we have stood to face every enemy whether it be from outside our borders, or even within. We will make it through this crisis as well. We will endure.

There may be difficult times ahead. You may be asked to sacrifice. You may be required to give everything you have gained over a lifetime in sacrifice for your family and the generations that follow. But if you do, you will be joining other great men and women in America's past, men and women in the armed forces, spouses who have raised children alone to allow their loved ones to fight, children who have helped their parents endure through tough times. Great men like our forefathers; John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Payne who though they had much risked it all for what they knew was going to be a great nation. A nation whose promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has caused whispers of dreams fulfilled all around the world. America is a dream that caused only the most brave, only the most strong of heart to board vessels with little more than that dream in their heart. Ladies and gentlemen that is a dream so strong people are still coming to fulfill today.

This is a great country, and though we may have tough times ahead, I know that Americans will rise to this occasion just as they have so many times before. Don't lose heart my friends though we have work to do, we are still the United States of America.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Shortly after turning 18 I made my first trip into a casino. I remember being overwhelmed when I walked through the doors to find all the bright flashing lights, all around be were the sounds of gamblers winning at the machines. Interesting isn't it that when the machines give you a little more than you put it, the bells begin to sound, the lights flash and you envy the person whose machine is announcing their big win.

I remember sheepishly asking my brother, "How do these things work?", a little embarrassed that I didn't know how to use the machine instinctively. "Easy", he said, "put your money in here", I did, "and pull the lever". I did. Soon what appeared to me to be a random group of pictures appeared on the machine, the bells flashed and 20 dollars in quarters came spilling out of the machine. My first quarter and I was a winner. If this is what gambling is all about, I like it.

It didn't take long, however, to discover that my first experience was not the norm. Shortly thereafter I had extinguished the 20 dollars I had won and was just enjoying the free pepsi. Can you imagine? All the soda you want.. for free. This place is great.

A friend of mine had a little bit different story. You see he had an endowment. So instead of 20 dollars, he put in 100. Hey, I guess if you can afford it, good for you. Then after that he went to the ATM and took out another hundred, followed by another hundred. All to chase after that original hundred dollars the house now owned in addition to the extra money he sent in after it. My friend had a gambling problem. The only way to stop him was to keep him away from the casino, AND the ATM.

My friends we, the United States of America have become that man. We have lost our tail in risky ventures in the financial industry and now we are going back to the ATM making a withdrawl of almost a trillion dollars more, hoping a fools hope that we can recover what we have lost.

If we are to save this country we love lets admit we have a problem, accept the loss, and tackle congress before they make it to ATM. After all, it is not only our money on the other side of that ATM it is also our kids and grand kids.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm Still Alive...

I had the opportunity to fulfull a life long dream yesterday. As you readers are very astute I'm guessing you figured out I'm talking about skydiving. What an experience. My brother and sister-in-law called to let me know that they were going to jump, and my intention was only to go watch them land.
When I arrived I learned they had one extra spot available if someone wanted join in. While this wasn't exactly a cheap endevour I thought, "What the heck". I called my wife. She did not answer, I took that to mean, "It's okay dear, what ever you think".
I watched my family land and then it was my turn. You would think it might be a good idea to get more than a 1 minute breifing on what you are about to do. Aparently that is something you shouldn't really worry about as you prepare to dive head long out of an airplane.
The airplane took off and I was sitting in the tail of small plane strapped to the front end of a very large man. At least he asked my name before cinching down the straps that brought us closer than any first date should bring two people. As we reached 10 thousand feet, about 6 thousand off the ground the door was opened and before long the first set of jumpers were out the door. Do I really want to do this? It was my turn.
We waddled towards the door and I was dangling my feet out the door and under the plane. The wind was intense. I tucked my hands under my shoulder straps and put my head back on the shoulder of the big burly man named Jeff into whose expertise I was about to place my life. Three times Jeff told me to arch my body, and the next thing I knew, I was hurling groundward at 120 miles per hour.
I had wondered why they didn't prep me further as to what to do during the fall, and now I know why. Even the few things I was told in the 1 minute prep period went flying out the window the moment my body was falling out of the sky.
My heart was beating faster than I could ever have imagined, and I lost complete sense of my surroundings. I believe we did one forward flip as we exited the plane. This was the most unnerving portion of the whole experience. Following the flip we arched our bodys and began to fall straight down. Slowly spinning counter clockwise during the fall. I'm pretty sure my instructor was causing this intentionally. I freed my armes and allowed them to float next to my head as I fell. This was my favorite part of the jump. It lasted for about 30 seconds.
I had no warning, when suddenly the straps between my legs went taught and I quickly began to slow. I looked up and sure enough the bright green shoot was filling with air and was saving our lives as advertised.
During the fall Jeff placed us into a couple of tight spins. Amazing to feel as the g-forces once again pressed the harness tight against my body much like the carnival rides you experience that caused you to lose your lunch as a youngster. I watched the first jumper land flawlessly below me.
It was time for us to prepare to land. My instructor now told me to stand up on his feet much like a 6 year old girl dancing with her father. When I did he unhooked the lower harnesses which would allow my lower body to move independent of his. We were now on final approach, and the ground was closing quickly.
We were planning on doing what is called a sliding landing, where you land on your butts. At the last minute Jeff pulled the cords we slowed up and were able to simply place our feet back on solid ground.
As I recount the experience my hands almost begin to shake and I can feel the adrenilene once again pump through my vains. I checked to make sure all vital parts were still attached they were, then I realized, I should call my wife......

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is the Number 2 Enough for You?

For days following the selection of Palin as the running mate for McCain I heard democrats salivating over how this was the "dumbest" pick in presidential election history, and how this choice had squashed any chance McCain may have had to win the presidency.

Um.. maybe not. See my liberal friends the polls are now showing McCain and Obama in a dead heat and here is the thing. Palin is actually a conservative. Something the ticket had been lacking. So, many of the conservative folks out there who were considering a vote for Barr or simply staying home are now energized to see someone with strong moral character and real conservative principles representing the party.

The question I find myself asking is if having a conservative in the number 2 spot is enough of a consolation to cast a vote for McCain. Should I forget that McCain has sold me out on border security. Should I forget that McCain didn't care about energy independence until it was politically expedient. Should I allow amnesia to set in regarding McCain-Feingold.

I hate to be the stick in the mud of the republican party, but I'm not voting whether or not I want Palin for vice-president, which I do. I'm voting whether or not I want McCain for president.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coming Out of Darkness

As some of you know it has been a long time since I have opined here at "All In". I have missed it. Some of you have even called as to ascertain why I had fallen off the grid, only to find that I wasn't answering my phone either. Thank you for your thoughts.

I had been dealing with some very difficult things in my personal life and couldn't muster the strength to talk with anyone. It feels odd to write that as I know it is the strength of friends that will get you through the tough times.

I don't want to get into what the decisions were, but the long and short is that I had to make some serious and possibly life altering decisions. And for reasons I don't care to share, I couldn't use some of my most trusted counselors to make that decision.

Thank you to those who checked back with my blog on occasion to see if I was still writing. I look forward to getting back to my usual posts several times a week, if not daily.