Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Life Minus Men

Apparently a world with out men is closer than you think. Scientists have now created human sperm from stem cells. Of course this brings up the concept of life without men. As the sperm can be created from any stem cell, including that of women. You could literally have a child with only a mother. This prospect doesn't scare me. Even if women are able to somehow wipe out men, they will always keep a few around. Likely in a warehouse somewhere, or maybe each woman would have one in the closet. Men would be something along the lines of a vacuum, coffee maker, or other appliance. Women would pull out the man on occasion for specific purposes such as changing the oil in their car, killing a spider, and opening difficult pickle jars. Don't worry men you'll still have a place in this world.


Anonymous said...

My main concern is that scientsts will indeed try to produce children with these sperm cells. In lab rats that has been disastrous, with the offspring severely deformed and dying.

All In said...

Rguy - If they can create viable sperm in other lifeforms. Wouldn't you be okay with using them to assist infertile individuals have children of their own, using their own dna.

Becky said...

As good as a world without men sounds sometimes, you have a valid point. I'm afraid of spiders and can't kill one on my own, so I guess you all are safe ;)

In all seriousness, though, as annoying as the opposite gender can be at times, the differences between men and women, and the way they think, are what make life interesting.

Anonymous said...

Good question. If it were somehow proven safe. I don't know how you would be able to do so without first risking a lot of human life and health in the process. But what do I know?